U.S. Speaker and Specialist Program Trip Report

Please describe the issues that were discussed in your meetings and lectures.
I conducted a workshop with journalists from NAESMI in Uzbekistan. I gave instruction which demonstrated the difference between creating a standard tv news report and a documentary film. I used the model of the sort of film made for National Geographic and Discovery Channel. During the workshop, I demonstrated technique while on location in Bukhara, and conducted exercises in camera and lighting with the participants at the studio in Tashkent. The journalists went into the field and produced short projects for my review. I provided precise feedback to their efforts, which were highly enthusiastic. The participants worked very hard during the workshop. They showed a strong desire to take advantage of my presence and maximize our time together.
In addition, I gave presentations to other groups while I was in Tashkent. Some of the presentations took place at the American embassy. Others took place at institutions of learning which center on film making and photography. I showed slides I had taken while on location making various documentaries, and screened film clips that served as lessons related to the subject of making films.
What did the program accomplish? What effect did your presentations have on the audiences?
Here is a quote from a participant which addresses the question. It was published in Uzbekistan Today.
Zamira Artykova, Correspondent of Youth TV station:
The past media week was very eventful. So many young journalists learnt about documentary shooting, particularly in creating stories about science, culture and history on the experience of National Geographic. John Hazard is a true professional, many of the guys lit up with interesting ideas that they intend soon to implement on the air.

Do you have any plans for follow up? Were any professional linkages or connections established?
I have been asked by Firdavs Abdukhalikov, Chairman of the National Association of Electronic Mass Media, and Director of Fund Forum Uzbekistan, to return to Uzbekistan and continue training the journalists in the art of documentary film making. I have also been invited by Mr. Abdukhalikov to become a consultant to Fund Forum UZ.
